Recycling is essential to have a positive impact on the world we live in and to preserve it. Today, the 3Rs concept – REuse, REduce, REcycle – is not a choice anymore but a necessity!
Reuse is everyone’s job!
Reusing minimizes the need for raw materials so natural resources such as coal, oil and gas and the rainforests can be preserved. Raw materials require vast amounts of energy, which is not an abundant source.
Do not throw items and things away, there is no “away”! Start to reuse to save nature and forests!
Reusing products when it is possible, is a great practice because the item does not need to be reprocessed before it can be used again.
You can also privileged products that are made of recycled materials by looking out for the recycling symbols on the products you purchase. Turning your food waste into compost is also a great practice of reuse.
50% of the waste put in a dustbin can be transformed into compost.
Reducing waste is vital for the earth!
Use less water and consume less energy will help reducing climate change and to protect the earth. By simple acts such as always switch off lights when you are away from home and turn off the tap while brushing your teeth and your hand, cut your showers short, and avoid baths; you can start making a difference.
Reducing the household waste you produce will also contribute to protecting the planet. Avoid purchasing hardly packaging products that might end in landfills, and saying no to plastic bags to carry back home your groceries will have a positive impact on the earth.
60% of the household waste could be recycled
Recycling makes sense!
Recycling helps conserve resources and energy and contribute to leaving a healthy environment for the next generation.
Many items can be recycled, whether it is at home, the office or school … Paper, glass, metals (aluminum), plastic, electronic items and more can be recycled. By looking at the recycling symbols, you will be able to know which products can be recycled or not and you will be able to consume and to shop more responsibly.
Plastic bags will take 200 to 1,000 years to disappear when left in landfills, while plastic bottles will take 450 years.
Hummingbag recycles 120 million of plastic bottles every year by producing 20 million of PET bags.
(Learn more about I used to be a plastic bottle, Hummingbag label made from bottles to bags)
Remember, every effort counts! Like the hummingbird legend where we get our story from, do your small part to make a big difference! At Hummingbag, we believe in small actions to make big things by changing the world one bag at a time!