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I Used To Be A Plastic Bottle

  • 10月 2, 2017

“I Used To Be A Plastic Bottle” – iutbapb – is an international label created by KeepCool for Hummingbag in 2008. I used to be a plastic bottle was launched to help to reduce the use of plastic bags, and therefore to contribute to a better world.


Bottles to bags!

iutbapb is born through the idea of recycling post-consumer waste to transform it in a new fabric made of 100% of PET recycled to create a new reusable bag.

Antoine Lavoisier’s quote “Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed” takes all its meaning with the label iutbapb.

The environmental impact of our manufacturing process is profound since we replace the concept of using new materials with the concept of using recycled plastic bottles that would otherwise end up in landfills, and transform them into a “new” fabric.


How does it work? Our manufacturing process

After having collected and sorted the various post-consumer wastes, the plastic bottles will be bundled, crushed and washed to form PET pellets that will be weaved in a new fabric.


“I used to be a plastic bottle”

The first bag “I Used To Be A Plastic Bottle” was introduced in 2010 in Canada for the well-known retailer brand Walmart.

Since 2010, millions of reusable bags made of 100% PET recycled have been developed for leading retailers such as Whole Foods, Dairy Farm, Walmart Japan, and ACE group.


Since “I Used To Be A Plastic Bottle” label has been introduced, we have continued to innovate; developing national-scale bag programs for well-known retailers and introducing new products, including bags made from 100% recycled post-consumer waste.

With an incredible soft cloth-like feel, the material allows for full-color printing – using high-performance heat transfer printing methods to achieve beautiful, quality prints.

Contact us to explore the opportunity of developing reusable bags made of 100% PET recycled.


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