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Legend of the Hummingbird
Did you know that Hummingbag got inspiration for its name from a Native American legend? It’s a simple story with an important message about a little hummingbird who tried to put out a forest fire one drop at a time. When the other animals voiced their disbelief, the determined hummingbird simply answered, “I am doing what I can.”
The direst report on Climate Change to date
At the beginning of this month, the world received overwhelming news that the impacts of climate change are far worse than expected. Scientists of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reported that there was a dire, far-reaching and rapid need to limit global warming to 1.5 degree Celsius or face the consequences as soon as the year 2030.
The report further stressed that limiting the warming to 1.5 rather than to 2 degrees C will provide “clear benefits to people and natural ecosystems… ensuring a more sustainable and equitable society.” (That is, there’s a big difference in that one-half degree C in terms of adverse impacts.)“We are already seeing the consequences of 1-degree C of global warming through more extreme weather, rising sea levels, and diminishing arctic sea ice, among other changes.”
The legend of the hummingbird and its powerful message on the power of individual action holds a special meaning in this day and age. Each individual action makes a difference now more than ever!
Hummingbag Eco Awards
The Hummingbag Eco Awards is an award that recognises and celebrates some of the outstanding individuals and organisations in the most recent times that represent the Hummingbag spirit – doing what they can to fight for a cleaner, greener planet. Here is a wall of fame of just some of our eco-hero’s!
Follow our heroes!
Keep the legend of the Hummingbird alive!